Issue 35

Editor’s note

Tracing the September streets of Poland, through Warsaw and Krakow, Wroclaw and Poznan, a trail of singular discovery unfolded as pieces of a puzzle that would configure itself into this issue. This was where the “Mover of the Earth and Stopper of the Sun”, Nicolaus Copernicus had once walked. This was where sixteen Nobel Laureates were nurtured, from Madame Curie to Lech Walesa and poet Wyslawa Szymborska, whom we have featured. This is the land of Chopin. And this is where its people are at the crossroads, seeking a new direction to its future.

In this issue

  • Freedom Despite Politics
    Before the collapse of Communism, Poland had a very special position on the art map.
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  • Midnight at Noon
    The famous Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan interviews Waliszewska on her unique artistic compulsions; her fascination for skinheads, the macabre and...
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  • Back to the Future
    The human race is not only imperfect, it is savage and greedy, living between insanity and lunacy… away from its...
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  • Museum of Memories
    The Polish school of poster design influenced international graphic design since post World War II.
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  • A Legacy for Eternity
    Although every nation has its distinctive cultural characteristics in the arts, language and costumes, cuisine, architecture, literature or even religion,...
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  • Meeting of Music
    Maria Pomianowska is considered a “doctor of music”, for having been a conduit in reviving the forgotten Polish folk instrument,...
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  • Necessary Voices
    Poland lost its political and cultural independence from the end of the 18th century until 1918.
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  • The world according to Bral
    Grzegorz Bral, actor, director, teacher and cultural practitioner, is architect of the Song of the Goat Theatre, which he initiated...
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  • Queen of Choreography
    A choreographer needs to work with body liars –– with those who are best at pretending and with those who...
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  • Infinite Moments
    Rolke is an artist from the dying line of photographers who believes the value of photography as means of recording...
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  • Spiritual Fake
    Jacek Kołodziejski sees photography as a form of staging; a photographer taking the whole situation out of the contextual meaning...
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  • A coming of age: Dissent, Anarchy, Liberation
    The fight for independence constituted the core of Polish history in the 19th century and during World War II, and...
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  • Poetry
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  • Average People
    It’s extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut, with dull ears, with dormant thoughts.
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  • Stigma
    The Stigma Project is a narrative of the 60-member family of Romanian Roma gypsies, living in an encampment on the...
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  • Lest We Forget
    Magdalena Krakowska, who guides tourists through the history and curiosities of Krakow, interviews Miroslaw Obstarczyk, who guides tourists through the...
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  • The Second Homeland
    The warm climes of India soon became a transit point for several Polish and Jewish people escaping Hitler’s atrocities.
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  • Sentient Mirrors
    it is not widely known in Poland that Polish films are appreciated by hundreds of cinema buffs, film critics and...
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  • Andrzej Seweryn
    Charismatic and engaging, Andrzej shared stories of his thespian journey through over 50 films, mostly in Poland, France and Germany,...
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  • Then, I will write
    A notable example of post-modernist literature, her book became a bestseller in Poland and won Masłowska several notable awards and...
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